You have all these sick memories, but it's a different reality. You meet other people your age who have had all this life experience and all you've done is play ‘Panasonic Youth‘ 2,000 times. You're trying to cram all this growth into the four months you're home, and it's unrealistic. You only grow as a person when you're not on tour or in the studio, and that's not that much time. No matter who I meet from other bands, that's what happens. So you end up becoming psychologically trapped at age 24 when you're really 38 because all your life has been in this bubble with these other people who are trapped in there with you and no one's able to grow outside of the bubble. But you didn't grow - you only played a bunch of shows. You make a record when you're 30, and when you finish touring it, you're 33. 'I don't miss the expectation that you have to make a record and go on tour for two or three years.